Take your ecommerce career to the next level

Add To Cart's Ecommerce Accelerator course teaches you everything you need to know about ecommerce in Australia. This self-paced course gives you access to all the materials and activities that were conducted by our live cohorts.

Get started immediately

Sign up and get access to over 10 hours of video lessons from Nathan Bush covering all aspects of ecommerce.

Course curriculum

    1. MODULE 1 Overview

    2. Lesson 1b: The Australian Ecommerce Market

    3. Lesson 1c:Ecommerce Market Intelligence Tools

    4. Cheat Sheet: eCommerce News and Trends

    5. Cheat Sheet: Free Market Intelligence Tools

    6. Industry Voices: What excites you most about eCommerce in the next 5 years?

    7. Resource: Australia Post 2023 eCommerce Industry Report

    8. Resource: Add To Cart with Julie Mathers from Flora and Fauna

    9. MODULE 1 Portfolio Task

    1. MODULE 2 Overview

    2. Lesson 2a: Ecommerce Business Models

    3. Lesson 2b: Differentiators & Tactics

    4. Lesson 2c: Ecommerce Strategy Development

    5. Cheat Sheet: eCommerce Business Models

    6. Cheat Sheet: Differentiators & Tactics

    7. Cheat Sheet: eCommerce Strategy Toolkit

    8. Industry Voices: What has been your most enjoyable or successful project in eCommerce?

    9. Resource: Add To Cart with Jason Wyatt from Marketplacer

    10. Resource: Add To Cart with James van Rooyen from Bikes Online

    11. MODULE 2 Portfolio Task

    1. MODULE 3 Overview

    2. Lesson 3a: Measuring Customer Experience

    3. Lesson 3b: Website Experience

    4. Lesson 3c: Personas & Customer Journey Mapping

    5. Industry Voices: What part of the eCommerce journey do you think is the most important to get right?

    6. Cheat Sheet: Customer Questionnaire

    7. Cheat Sheet: Customer Experience Measurement

    8. Cheat Sheet: Customer Journey Template

    9. Cheat Sheet: Website Experience Checklist

    10. Add To Cart with Tenealle O'Shannessy from Adore Beauty

    11. Add To Cart with Andy Evans from humii

    12. MODULE 3 Portfolio Task

    1. MODULE 4 Overview

    2. Lesson 4a: Pricing & Promotions

    3. Lesson 4b. Costs & Profitability

    4. Lesson 4c. Business Cases

    5. Industry Voices: What financial metric is the most important to track?

    6. Cheat Sheet: eCommerce Pricing & Promotion Types

    7. Cheat Sheet: eCommerce P&L Template

    8. Cheat Sheet: Business Case Template

    9. Resource: Add To Cart with Jason Andrew from SBO Financial

    10. MODULE 4 Portfolio Task

About this course

  • $990.00
  • 96 lessons
  • 16.5 hours of video content

Your Instructor

Ecommerce consultant and host of the Add To Cart podcast

Nathan Bush

Nathan lives and breathes ecommerce. He is an ecommerce director, strategist and advisor who has led teams that have grown from $1m to $140m.

He has been named in the Top 50 People in eCommerce four times, written for Inside Retail and hosts the Add To Cart podcast where he gets to speak to leaders in ecommerce every week.